Panicky? Depressed? Anxious? psst...see bottom for tips to help today MONTREAL CENTER FOR ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION SANDRA REICH M.ED. CCC. (514) 796-HELP Montreal, Qc.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy concentrates on what can be done about these problems TODAY. It is an active directive treatment approach that teaches the skills necessary to cope with problems.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy works in a short time (15-20 sessions) with clients learning the strategies needed to cope with the difficulties that they face. Research has shown this type therapy to be highly effective with:
Panic Attacks Agoraphobia Self Esteem Eating Disorders Generalized Anxiety Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Social Anxiety/Shyness Relationship Issues Phobias Depression Insomnia Stress Management
I am a qualified and experienced therapist who is certified by the Canadian Counseling Association. I have had extensive training at The Cognitive Behavioral Unit at The Montreal General Hospital. I can help you today to deal with problems more effectively. I treat my clients with respect, dignity and consideration ensuring complete confdentiality. I provide a competent, compassionate, ethical professional service with a comfortable Montreal office centrally located and easy parking. Take a step towards changing your life... Call now for an appointment. Day or evening appointments available. 796-HELP (514-796-4357) ******************************************************************************************************************************** 10 tips to deal with anxiety or depression TODAY! 1) When you feel thoughts of panic, anxiety or worry try this simple but effective strategy: Make a self statement something like this "STOP! These thoughts are not helpful and I have decided to think differently." (Each time you do this you are reinforcing your brain to think in a more positive way)
2) Remember anxiety is not is just uncomfortable
3) EXERCISE... Exercise relieves stress as well as relieving depressed feelings
4) Get enough sleep; If you have trouble sleeping, try the following strategies: Don't drink alcohol or caffeinated beverages in the evening; take a warm bath one hour before going to bed; go to bed at the same time every night.
5) Listen to some music you like- this can soothe the nerves as well as lifting the spirit.
6) Watch what you eat. A healthy diet can help you handle stress. Eat breakfast, cut back on caffeine, watch sugar intake, and stick to a regular meal schedule.
7) Take a breath from your belly: Abdominal breathing brings much needed oxygen in to the body and relaxes the muscles. It also slows down your heart rate and helps calm the mind
8) Talk it out: When you are stressed, a quick call to a friend can instantly make you feel better.
9) Make time for fun. Schedule time for both work and recreation. Play can be just as important to your well being as work; you need a break from your daily routine to just relax and have fun.
10) Get professional help if the anxiety or depression becomes overwhelming.
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